Best Pinterest Accounts to Follow for Workouts and Fitness Tips

Laura Williams, MSEd, ASCM-CEP
Laura Williams, MSEd, ASCM-CEP
Laura Williams is a fitness expert and advocate with certifications from the American Council on Exercise and the American College of Sports Medicine.
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Updated on November 05, 2021
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Elaine Hinzey, RD
Elaine Hinzey
Fact checked by Elaine Hinzey, RD

Elaine Hinzey is a registered dietitian, writer, and fact-checker with nearly two decades of experience in educating clients and other healthcare professionals.

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When it comes to finding free and effective workouts, social media sites like Pinterest are a treasure trove of information. In fact, Pinterest is one of the easiest and most comprehensive resources for finding visual workouts and fitness tips. If you're brand new to Pinterest, here's how you get started: 

  1. Start by using the site as a search engine to search for pins of your favorite types of exercise, such as yoga, HIIT, Pilates, dance, or strength training programs.
  2. Pin your favorite pins to your own virtual pinboards. You can access your pins at any time from your own dashboard.
  3. Follow high-quality fitness accounts so you can continuously source new programs and tips.

Step three is possibly the most important. By finding and following great accounts, you always have new and interesting information at the ready when you open your Pinterest profile. To get started, consider checking out the following pages. They're each backed by experts, they're updated regularly, and they always have cutting-edge information to help keep you on top of your game.



SparkPeople pinterest board
Pinterest Screenshot

The SparkPeople website is dedicated to helping people lose weight the healthy way, and their Pinterest account mirrors the site closely. You can find workouts, motivation, and healthy recipes galore when you give them a follow.


Get Fit Done

This is Fit Workouts pinterest page
Pinterest Screenshot

Laura, a certified personal trainer, and the founder of Get Fit Dine Workouts, is dedicated to keeping workouts fast, fun, and effective. Follow her page for a dose of quickie workouts with a side of good humor.


Get Healthy U | Chris Freytag

Chris Freytag Pinterest
Pinterest Screenshot

Chris Freytag, a renowned fitness expert, gears her content to women and moms. Aside from her stellar content, this focus helps explain her strong following on Pinterest, where the user base is largely women.



MyFitnessPal Pinterest
Pinterest Screenshot

MyFitnessPal has been helping people get healthy for years, and their Pinterest page offers even more resources for their fans. You can find healthy eating tips, recipes, and all sorts of workouts by following their page.



Greatist Pinterest
Pinterest Screenshot

Greatist keeps it real when it comes to health and wellness, and their Pinterest following of almost 600,000 certainly indicates they're doing something right. While their Pinterest page offers a little bit of everything, pay special attention to their Strength Training, Men's Health and Fitness, Bodyweight Exercises, and Workouts and Fitness boards—there's lots of good stuff there!


Fit Bottomed Girls

Fit Bottomed Girls Pinterest
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The founders of Fit Bottomed Girls are professional journalists and certified fitness experts who are truly dedicated to sharing the best of the best. With almost a million Pinterest followers, it's clear the content they share is relevant and appreciated by fans.



Fitbie Pinterest
Pinterest Screenshot

Fitbie is the Pinterest page for Rodale Wellness—the Rodale that's also responsible for Men's Health Magazine, Women's Health Magazine, Prevention, Bicycling, and so forth. In other words, they're journalistically responsible and engulfed in the fitness space.



POPSUGAR Fitness Pinterest
Pinterest Screenshot

POPSUGAR Fitness' pins feature great workouts and healthy recipes, even breaking down their content into easily-accessible two-week challenges all organized on individual boards. This makes it especially easy to find and follow programs and workouts geared to specific goals. Plus, they have boards like Inspiring Yoga Photos and Funny Fitness to keep things interesting.

A Word From Verywell

If you try Pinterest and discover it's just not for you (not all social media sites are for everyone, after all), don't overlook the other ways you can use social media to keep you motivated. For instance, if you're on Facebook, join a few Facebook Groups. Or if you love YouTube, try following along with free workout videos from high-quality instructors. Social sites are a great way to learn new exercises, connect with like-minded individuals, and stay inspired on your fitness journey.

By Laura Williams, MSEd, ASCM-CEP
Laura Williams is a fitness expert and advocate with certifications from the American Council on Exercise and the American College of Sports Medicine.

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